Our philosophy

We embrace Black consumers’ collective cultural identity not as a monolith, but as a mosaic — which, when magnified, can reveal new insights about this under-researched and oft misunderstood consumer segment.


Over many years of conducting research, we’ve observed that marketers often make two false assumptions about the Black American consumer market.

The first: Because Black Americans sometimes espouse similar attitudes and aspirations as White Americans (does this still strike you as accurate in this current environment?) (yes. Just as the part above explains, clients need to understand that Black consumers ARE different, but are driven by many of the same desires as GM consumers), marketers assume that advertising created for the general market will be equally effective in reaching Black consumers. 

The second: Marketers surmise that all Black American consumers have similar attitudes, behaviors and aspirations — thus, they can be defined and appealed to in broad strokes.

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